Monday, August 20, 2012

Sibling Activities

I used to find it tough to think of activities that can engage both children at one go. I was overly worried that mei won't like "boy's stuff" & vice versa. Not anymore. I can hear them giggling over self-created jokes and songs. It doesn't matter if it's over barbie or dragon ball. They enjoy the songs and movies together.

Here are some of their favorite sibling activities

Mei has been drawing with gorgor everyday after school. You can see how her drawings are influenced by gorgor's when her mermaids and princesses start to grow claws & fangs.

Designing games
Gorgor likes to design games like maze & puzzles on paper. Mei is usually his target player. Mei involves herself in creating more girly characters & stunts.

Ok, it's not the best activity but they do play & collaborate on iPhone games like smurf & zombie makeover. Mei is not ready to play scramble & words yet, but she can draw something for gorgor to guess.

Singing & Dancing
Gorgor has been taking music classes and mei ballet. While gorgor is practicing, mei is secretly singing solfege and dancing along the melody. Mei also taught gorgor some ballet moves eg. Froggy diamond & butterfly flaps.

Well, when they are not fighting, they are definitely enjoying each others company. It is so nice to have a big brother, I always tell mei.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

Singapore Skyline theme crafts

With more iconic building sprouting out at marina, our Singapore skyline has taken on a new distinct character. Let the child enjoy the magnificent night light & create his own skyline on his own. Create fireworks with glitters against dark sky. Understand the geometry of flyers (introduce some maths concept of dividing a circle). Not forgetting the super cantilever skygarden of marina sands.

Toilet Roll Crafts

We keep every toilet roll to craft. We can cut them out into sections to create flower petals. Even create a neck for the duck's head. The cylindrical shape can be used to make a beautiful castle with cardboard pieces. The kids even created their own game by throwing a marble into the toilet roll sections marked 10,20,30 etc. A great maths cum aiming game!

That explains why mei's favorite past time is painting toilet rolls...

Tissue Box Crafts

Tissue box is one of the most versatile and easily available craft material. From monsters to room deco, from treasure chest to musical instruments. All you need is a pair of adult scissors, coloured papers & you are ready to embark on a journey to create it with your child!

The child can have lotsa fun playing the new toy he has created. Trust me, it beats any electronic game that you can buy from the stores!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Happy Birthday Singapore

As expected, we were not successful in balloting for NDP tickets. We watched the show live at the comfort of our living room while the children draw. Earlier in the day, we baked some cupcakes & sprinkled colourful chips like fireworks. While gorgor drew his merlions (both real & cute versions), mei continued with her toilet roll painting.

Happy Birthday Singapore!

Thursday, August 9, 2012

The Default Activity

As soon as they can sit still, my kids have been doodling and crafting. We maintain a constant supply of pencils and papers at easily accessible locations at home.

Painting requires more help, eg. Cleaning the brushes, changing water and mixing colours. As they grow up, they are able to paint on their own without much help. I just need to lay some newspaper on the floor and bring out the art supplies.

Mei likes to mix colours and paint on toilet rolls. I think it's the texture of the toilet roll which is slightly thicker than normal paper and the shape of the toilet rolls that makes it interesting for her. She will hold on to the roll, paint as she turns. She will use her favorite pink and explore new colours by mixing pink and beige, red and silver etc. It's sheer joy observing her paint toilet rolls. It must be therapeutic for her.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Missing Bottle Missing Books

Mei was singing this new song from school- missing metal, missing reminds me if her brother. He lost his water bottle & a new book he bought from the book fair 2 days in a row.

Besides reminding (to the extent of nagging) him to take care if his things, there are nothing much we parents can do as we are not in school to help him organize his things. He had to learn the hard way because he was "spoon-fed" all the way in preschool. We wished we could start earlier.

Kids nowadays don't feel the pinch of losing things anymore. They assume the item will be replaced unlike our days when we treasure every gifts we receive instead of using hand-me-downs. Even the "used" items are usually lightly used.

While I'm contemplating whether to buy him a new water bottle, it was returned to him the next day. He must have left it somewhere and his friend has put it in his locker as he has left for the day.