Saturday, May 5, 2012

What did you learn from Animal Kaiser?

My boy has a good collection of Animal Kaiser cards since he started playing the arcade game 2 years ago. On the game machine, there are violent animations of animal characters fighting each other using nonsensical stunts (with hilarious ramen & hamburgers squashing the animals at times). The player can scan his choice animal card and start pressing the button to get the higher score.

I always ask him what he learnt from Animal Kaiser and why it is not a waste of time and money:

Characteristics of animals

Behind the shiny picture of the animal character, there is a writeup of the story, how the character fights and their habitat. Quite informative at times, as there are new animals we rarely see


He spent the bulk of his free time drawing animals and monsters. He flips through his card collection for inspirations to draw. He designs his own animals and cards


He spent sometime arranging and rearranging his cards into different powerful combination of animal, strong and miracle cards. I'm not sure how he analyses the strength and power, but he can explain his reasons why a certain card should go with another. This trains his organization skills, I suppose.

Value of money

He knows each game is $2 and he gets a card back after the game. He also knows a bowl of noodles at the school bistro only costs $0.80. So a game is almost his pocket money for a day. Although he pouts when it's not "games day", but he knows the opportunity cost involved.

He will be doing his show & tell based on Animal Kaiser. Let's see what he says.

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