Monday, June 25, 2012

Say People say yourself

I first heard this phrase from my son. He probably heard and learnt it from his classmates. But I soon realize it is a powerful phrase that work both ways. It simply means no double standards!

It is always easier to blame others than to find fault with ourselves. When we "say people", we should first reflect upon ourselves first. That is a constant reminder to "say yourself" before you accuse others.

At a recent training course on supervision skills, "model the way" is one of the technics used to motivate staff. My son's phrase came to mind. When we complain about our bosses, we can expect our staff complaining about us. For staff to be motivated at work, we must be their role model. If we drag our feet to work, we can't blame the kids resisting going back to school after a long term break.

Now I'm mindful how I conduct myself in front of my children. I can't tell my kids off when they are stuck to the tv & iphone when I use them so often. If you are a picky eater, get a family member to model to the child what is a healthy diet. Otherwise, say people say yourself!


  1. Did he say the phrase in Chinese?

  2. Is there a Chinese translation? He said it in English. A constant reminder to ourselves as parents
